Coding in Python?
has a sibling package for Python developers with similar functionality, check it out here.
is a JavaScript package from Ordnance Survey (OS) that makes it easier to interact with the OS Data Hub APIs. The package helps you get started with our data in GeoJSON format, and rapidly build prototypes, test new ideas, or collect data for analyses.
Ordnance Survey is the national mapping agency for Great Britain and produces a large variety of mapping and geospatial products. Much of OS' data is available via the OS Data Hub, a platform that hosts both free and premium data products. osdatahub
provides a user-friendly way to interact with these data products.
Note: This package is under active development.
(JavaScript) supports the following Ordnance Survey APIs:
Access to Ordnance Survey data in 2 lines of code
This wrapper abstracts the HTTP request process, so you can get to work on your geospatial project without configuring API endpoints.
Find features via geospatial and textual queries
Use all available geospatial and textual search methods supported by each OS API to find and return data.
Request as much data as you need with automatic API paging
By default, osdatahub
will attempt to return a maximum of 1000 features. You can customise this by setting custom start (offset
) and end (limit
) values. Where multiple requests are required, osdatahub
will merge these into a single response object. Please note that requesting a large amount of data may have cost implications.
Developer-Friendly GeoJSON Responses
The osdatahub
package exclusively uses GeoJSON and lng/lat (ESPG:4326
) coordinates for returning data, please note that British National Grid coordinates (ESPG:27700
) are not supported. You can use tools such as or to collect input geometry for use in osdatahub
. Responses from non-GeoJSON APIs are returned in specification-compliant GeoJSON format.
Pre- and Post- Request Error Handingosdatahub
will handle some types of error prior to sending a request, such as invalid geometry, or a missing API key. Errors on the server (HTTP 5**
codes) are also handled.
You'll need to sign-up for an account on the OS Data Hub to create an API key:
Install the osdatahub
package into your project, via NPM:
npm install osdatahub
You can then import osdatahub
into your code:
// option 1 - import all the things (suggested)
import * as osdatahub from "osdatahub";
// option 2 - import specific modules
import { placesAPI } from "osdatahub";
Use directly in the browser with the following script tag:
<script src=""></script>
Note: Be wary of exposing your OS Data Hub API key when running osdatahub in the browser!
You can find an example html page that uses the osdatahub package, here [Source].
All osdatahub
commands look something like this:
// Securely get API key (we recommend getting the key from environment variables/.env files)
const apiKey = process.env.OS_API_KEY
// querying the places API via bbox:
osdatahub.placesAPI.bbox(apiKey, [-1.4712, 50.9381, -1.4788, 50.9419], {
limit: 200;
In the example above, we're querying the OS Places API using a Bounding Box (bbox), and we're specifying a maximum of 200 features should be returned (a total of two requests). Specifying a limit
value is optional - optional parameters are stored within an object, which is passed in as the final parameter.
Different APIs support different search operations. Let's explore them...
The OS NGD API can be accessed via osdatahub.ngd
. For further information on using the OS NGD API and its capabilities, please refer to the OS Data Hub documentation and technical specification.
Get GeoJSON features from a specific product collection (e.g. Building Parts), using various parameter filters and/or geospatial filters
osdatahub.ngd.features(apiKey, collectionId, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API KeycollectionId
(string) - A valid collection ID e.g. (bld-fts-buildingpart)Optional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integer, default 100) - The maximum number of features to returncrs
(string or number, default null) - CRS return GeoJSON [null defaults to WGS84]bbox
(array, default null) - Bounding-box [West, South, East, North] to search within (in ESPG:4326
(string or number, default null) - CRS of bbox [null defaults to WGS84]datetime
(string, default null) - A valid date-time with UTC time zone (Z) or an open or closed interval. Only features that have a temporal geometry (versionavailablefromdate or versionavailabletodate) that intersects the value in the datetime parameter are selected. RFC 3339 Formatfilter
(string, default null) - Common Query Language (CQL) filterfilterCRS
(string or number, default null) - CRS of filter if a spatial operation is used [null defaults to WGS84]Get a single GeoJSON feature from a specific product collection and feature Id
osdatahub.ngd.feature(apiKey, collectionId, featureId, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API KeycollectionId
(string) - A valid collection ID e.g. (bld-fts-buildingpart)featureId
(string) - A valid feature ID e.g. (00000016-e0a2-45ca-855a-645753d72716)Optional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(string or number, default null) - CRS return GeoJSON [null defaults to WGS84]Get information about a specific collection - if no collection ID is given function returns a list of all available collections!
osdatahub.ngd.collections(); // View all available collections
osdatahub.ngd.collections(collectionId); // Get info for specific collection
[Optional] (string) - A valid collection ID e.g. (bld-fts-buildingpart)Get details of the feature attributes (properties) in a given collection
(string) - A valid collection ID e.g. (bld-fts-buildingpart)Get all queryable attributes in a given collection
(string) - A valid collection ID e.g. (bld-fts-buildingpart)The OS Places API can be accessed via osdatahub.placesAPI
. For further information on using the OS Places API and its capabilities, please refer to the OS Data Hub documentation and technical specification.
Returns all features within the geometry up to the user-defined limit.
osdatahub.placesAPI.polygon(apiKey, geoJson, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API KeygeoJson
(object) - Either a Feature or FeatureCollection as an object (in ESPG:4326
)Optional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnReturns all features within the geometry (user-defined distance from a point) up to the user-defined limit.
osdatahub.placesAPI.radius(apiKey, [lng, lat], searchRadius, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Key[lng, lat]
(array of numbers) - Point feature (in ESPG:4326
(number) - Distance (meters) to search around point (maximum 1,000)Optional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnReturns a single feature, the closest to the geometry (a point).
osdatahub.placesAPI.nearest(apiKey, [lng, lat], {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Key[lng, lat]
(array of numbers) - Point feature (in ESPG:4326
)Returns all features within the bbox geometry (up to 1km2 in area), up to the user-defined limit.
osdatahub.placesAPI.bbox(apiKey, [b, b, o, x], {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Key[b,b,o,x]
(array of four numbers) - Bounding-box (West, South, East, North) to search within (in ESPG:4326
)Optional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnReturns a single feature, matching the input UPRN identifier.
osdatahub.placesAPI.uprn(apiKey, uprnIdentifer, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API KeyuprnIdentifier
(integer) - A valid UPRN identiferReturns features matching the input postcode. A full (e.g, SO16 0AS
) or partial (e.g, OS16
) postcode can be provided, the number of features returned (up to the user-defined limit) can vary considerably.
osdatahub.placesAPI.postcode(apiKey, postcode, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Keypostcode
(string) - Full/Partial postcode to search inOptional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnReturns features matching the input text string provided. The number of features returned (up to the user-defined limit) can vary considerably.
osdatahub.placesAPI.find(apiKey, query, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Keyquery
(string) - A plain-text search stringOptional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnThe OS Names API can be accessed via osdatahub.namesAPI
. For further information on using the OS Names API and its capabilities, please refer to the OS Data Hub documentation and technical specification.
Returns a single feature, the closest to the point geometry.
osdatahub.namesAPI.nearest(apiKey, [lng, lat], {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Key[lng, lat]
(array of numbers) - Point feature (in ESPG:4326
)Returns features matching the input text string provided. The number of features returned (up to the user-defined limit) can vary considerably.
osdatahub.namesAPI.find(apiKey, query, {});
(string) - Your OS Data Hub API Keyquery
(string) - A plain-text search stringOptional Parameters (add as named arguments e.g. {crs: 27700}
(integer, default 0) - The starting position to collect featureslimit
(integrer, default 1,000) - The maximum number of features to returnThe osdatahub
(JavaScript) package has been built by:
This package is still under active development and we welcome contributions from the community via issues and pull requests.
To install osdatahub, along with the tools you need to develop and run tests, run the following in your environment:
git clone
cd osdatahub-js
npm i
For any kind of issues or suggestions please see the OS Data Hub documention, open a github issue or contact us via Email
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