Function features

  • Get NGD features.


    • A GeoJSON Feature Collection


    • apiKey: string

      A valid OS Data Hub key

    • collectionId: string

      A known collection ID. To view available collection IDs, use the ngd.collections() method.

    • options: {
          bbox?: null | BBox;
          bboxCRS?: null | string | number;
          crs?: null | string | number;
          datetime?: null | string;
          filter?: null | string;
          filterCRS?: null | string | number;
          limit?: number;
          offset?: number;
      } = {}

      Optional arguments

      • Optional bbox?: null | BBox

        Bounding box [left, bottom, right, top]

      • Optional bboxCRS?: null | string | number

        CRS of bounding box (epsg number or full string e.g. "epsg:27700"). Available CRS values are: EPSG:27700, EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857, and CRS84. Defaults to CRS84

      • Optional crs?: null | string | number

        CRS of return geoJSON (epsg number or full string e.g. "epsg:27700"). Available CRS values are: EPSG:27700, EPSG:4326, EPSG:7405, EPSG:3857, and CRS84. Defaults to CRS84

      • Optional datetime?: null | string

        A valid date-time with UTC time zone (Z) or an open or closed interval e.g. 2021-12-12T13:20:50Z or 2021-12-12T13:20:50Z/.. or ../2021-12-12T13:20:50Z or 2021-08-12T13:20:50Z/2021-12-12T13:20:50Z

      • Optional filter?: null | string

        CQL filter string

      • Optional filterCRS?: null | string | number

        CRS used if filter contains spatial operation (epsg number or full string e.g. "epsg:27700"). Available CRS values are: EPSG:27700, EPSG:4326, EPSG:7405, EPSG:3857, and CRS84. Defaults to CRS84

      • Optional limit?: number

        The max number of features to return

      • Optional offset?: number

        The starting value for the offset

    Returns Promise<FeatureCollection<Geometry, GeoJsonProperties>>

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